Integral Recovery
This book is for everyone who is suffering from the disease of addiction or who cares about someone who is: for addicts, their families and friends, and their health care providers. It is for those who are currently in recovery and looking for a way to shift their recovery into a higher gear–from just surviving and muddling through to becoming the absolute best version of themselves, from mere recovery to Integral Recovery.
Awakening the Brain!
Human potential cannot be quantified. The more we learn about the brain, the more hidden promise we unearth. What if you could harness the full spectrum of your abilities by engaging your brain in such a way to expand your awareness and broaden your skill sets? Through simple exercises and insights, you can increase your capacity to learn and fundamentally change the way your brain functions.
Addiction is a preventable, treatable disease, not a moral failing. As with other illnesses, the approaches most likely to work are based on science — not on faith, tradition, contrition, or wishful thinking. These facts are the foundation of Clean. The existing addiction treatments, including Twelve Step programs and rehabs, have helped some, but they have failed to help many more.
May Cause Miracles
Are you ready to work miracles? Gabrielle Bernstein believes that simple, consistent shifts in our thinking and actions can lead to the miraculous in all aspects of our daily lives, including our relationships, finances, bodies, and self-image. In this inspiring guide, Gabrielle offers an exciting plan for releasing fear and allowing gratitude, forgiveness, and love to flow through us without fail. All of which, ultimately, will lead to breathtaking lives of abundance, acceptance, appreciation, and happiness.
One of the Washington Posts Ten Best Books of 2013. More than twenty-three thousand women die from heavy drinking in the United States each year. Incidents of binge drinking and so-called drunkorexia are on the rise contributing to an exponential increase in the number of health conditions and cancers among women. Combining in-depth research with her own personal story of recovery the award-winning journalist. Ann Dowsett Johnston tells of maintaining her high-powered career as a vice principal of McGill University while wrestling with the demon that defeated her own mother alcohol addiction. After a very private exit from her professional life, Dowsett Johnston went to rehab now sober she has dedicated her career to examining the relationship between women and high-risk drinking.